The Book of Revelation

The Tribulation outline:

  1. The rapture.
  2. The seven seal judgements.
  3. The seven trumpet judgements.
  4. The seven bowl judgements.
  5. The 2nd coming of Christ.
  6. The millennial kingdom.
  7. The great white throne judgment.
  8. New heaven and new earth.
  9. Eternity.

Detailed outline:

  1. The true believers (the church) are raptured into heaven and receive their glorified, sinless bodies.
  2. The antichrist and false prophet rise to power with, “signs and lying wonders.” The false prophet gets the people to worship the antichrist. The antichrist is mortally wounded, but healed.
  3. The antichrist strengthens a covenant with Israel and, “the many nations.”
  4. The first 3.5 years of the 7 year Tribulation begins. The two witnesses from heaven arrive in Jerusalem in sackcloth preaching the gospel. The first seal judgement is opened — the antichrist goes out to conquer. This next part may be out of place. It may happen at the start of the second half of the Tribulation — the false prophet has an, “image of the beast (the antichrist)” to be made, which shall speak and cause anyone who doesn’t worship the antichrist to be put to death. Maybe this is some sort of artificial intelligence thing. The false prophet also causes everyone on earth to receive a mark of some sorts on their right hand or forehead. No one can buy or sell without the mark. This might be some sort of chip implant with your banking info tied to it that runs on a global digital currency like crypto. We do not know. Somehow it will have the number 666 attached to it. Anyone who worships the beast and its image, or takes the mark, gets a one way ticket to hell.
  5. The second seal judgement is opened — war, people will kill one another.
  6. The third seal judgement is opened — famine.
  7. The fourth seal judgement is opened — 1/4 of the earth’s population will be killed by war, famine, pestilence and by, “wild beasts of the earth.”
  8. The fifth seal judgement is opened — The Tribulation Saints (believers that come to faith during the Tribulation after the rapture) in heaven asking when the Lord will avenge their blood, and He says, “until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.”
  9. The sixth seal judgement is opened — a great earthquake happens, the sun is blackened, the moon turned blood red and “the stars of the sky fall to earth.” Every mountain and island is moved out of its place. Fear in everyone on earth, asking to die and be free from the wrath of God.
  10. The 144,000 remnant Jews are sealed. These are the Jews that will be saved out of the Tribulation, and from the wrath of God. These are the Jews that will come to faith.
  11. The seventh seal is opened — noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake.
  12. The first trumpet sounds — a third of the trees are burned up, along with all the grass.
  13. The second trumpet sounds — something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. And a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
  14. The third trumpet sounds — a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.
  15. The fourth trumpet sounds — a third of the sun, moon and stars are struck, so that a third of them are darkened. A third of the day will not shine. An angel in heaven cries out, “woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because the remaining three trumpets are about to sound.”
  16. The fifth trumpet sounds — the bottomless pit is opened with a great smoke coming out (a volcano?), with the sun and the air darkened from it. Out come locusts that are commanded not to eat any vegetation, but only to harm the people that don’t have the seal of God on their forehead. They harm them for 5 months by stinging them, but they can’t kill them. The people will wish to die, but won’t find death.
  17. The sixth trumpet sounds – a third of all mankind is killed by an army of 200 million horses that spew fire, smoke and brimstone. The remaining people still did not repent (believe).
  18. The two witnesses killed. Their bodies lie in the streets for three and a half days and everyone is happy.
  19. The two witnesses rise and ascend back into heaven. A great earthquake happens and a tenth of Jerusalem falls.
  20. The seventh trumpet sounds — the people of heaven worship God. And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail.
  21. Now we’re at the beginning of the second half of the Tribulation — the Great Tribulation. The antichrist ceases the sacrifices in the third temple in Israel, sets up the Abomination of Desolation and declares himself to be God. Satan goes to persecute Israel, but they flee into the wilderness for the rest of the 1,260 days, where they are nourished and kept from tribulation. Satan pursued them with an army, but the earth helps Israel and swallows up the army. Satan gets very angry and decides to go after the Tribulation Saints (everyone else on earth that became a believer) and beheads them.
  22. This next part may be out of place. It may happen at the start of the first half of the Tribulation — the false prophet has an, “image of the beast (the antichrist)” to be made, which shall speak and cause anyone who doesn’t worship the antichrist to be put to death. Maybe this is some sort of artificial intelligence thing. The false prophet also causes everyone on earth to receive a mark of some sorts on their right hand or forehead. No one can buy or sell without the mark. This might be some sort of chip implant with your banking info tied to it that runs on a global digital currency like crypto. We do not know. Somehow it will have the number 666 attached to it. Anyone who worships the beast and its image, or takes the mark, gets a one way ticket to hell.
  23. This might happen at the beginning of the first half of the Tribulation. The three angels flying overhead. The first angel preaching the gospel to the world, saying with a loud voice, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.” The second angel saying, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” This could be the US. The third angel saying that if anyone worships the beast and his image, or takes the mark, will go to hell.
  24. The first bowl judgement poured out — a loathsome sore comes upon those who have taken the mark or worshipped the beast.
  25. The second bowl judgement poured out — the sea becomes blood and everything in it dies.
  26. The third bowl judgement poured out — the rivers and springs become blood.
  27. The fourth bowl judgement poured out — the sun struck and scorches the people of earth. The people still did not believe.
  28. The fifth bowl judgement poured out — pains and sores come upon the people of the earth.
  29. The sixth bowl judgement poured out — the Euphrates river dries up. The armies of the world prepared for the battle of Armageddon at the second coming of Christ.
  30. The seventh bowl judgement poured out — it is finished. Then there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth. The cities of the nations fall. Every island and mountain disappear. Great hail rains down on the people of the earth.
  31. The second coming of Christ. Christ, on a white horse, comes on the clouds with all of the saints in heaven behind Him on white horses as well. The whole world sees this event and mourns. The antichrist, false prophet and the world’s armies are waiting for Jesus at Armageddon to try and defeat Him. Christ touches down on the Mount of Olives, splitting it in two. He defeats the army with a great sword that proceeds out of His mouth, and throws the false prophet and the antichrist into the lake of fire. The birds feast on the flesh of the dead men.
  32. A great angel comes down from heaven with a chain in his hand. He bounds Satan with it in the bottomless pit for 1,000 years so that he may no longer deceive anyone. Angels gather the Tribulation Saints from around the world that were still alive to Christ. Christ sends the remaining unbelievers to hell.
  33. Christ sets up his millennial kingdom on earth — a thousand year period of peace, renewal and plenty. The New Jerusalem city descends out of heaven and onto the earth. The kingdom is occupied by the remnant Jews, the Tribulation Saints that were alive at the second coming and all of the saints in heaven. The world is repopulated by the remnant Jews and Tribulation Saints that were alive at the second coming. People born during the millennial reign still have a sin nature and therefore still must accept the gospel. People born in the millennial kingdom will die at 100 and be considered just a child. Christ and the saints from heaven reign and rule over all the nations.
  34. After the thousand years, Satan is released from the bottomless pit and goes out to build an army from some of the nations of the world, to try one last time to defeat Jesus. They encamp around the city, and Jesus calls down fire from heaven and destroys them all.
  35. The great white throne judgement. All of the dead in hell appear before Christ. He opens up books full of all the lawless deeds they have done during their lives, along with the book of life. He judges all the people according to their works and throws them into the lake of fire, where they burn in torment forever and ever.
  36. Eternity. Jesus makes a new heaven and a new earth. The new earth doesn’t have any seas. This is where believers and Jesus will reside for eternity. It is 1,400 miles long, wide and tall. There will be no more sin, pain, suffering, sadness or tears. “In Christ’s right hand there are pleasures forevermore.”