- I’m loved unmeasurably.
- Gentle, kind, good to and patient with me.
- A peace that transcends all understanding.
- The fullness of joy in His presence.
- Pleasures forevermore in His right hand.
- A new, sinless, immortal body that:
- Never gets sick.
- Can teleport.
- Fly.
- Talk telepathically.
- Doesn’t feel pain.
- Doesn’t get tired or need to sleep.
- A mansion.
- Eye has not seen, ear has not heard nor mind has conceived what awaits those who love Him.
- No more death.
- No more fear.
- No more sin.
- No more pain.
- No more suffering.
- No more sadness.
- No more depression.
- No more tears.
- No more boredom.
- No more curse of hard toil and labor.
- No more condemnation.
Tag: Worship
Why I’ll Gladly Worship God Forever