Tag: Renew your mind

  • Renew Mind Daily

    Romans 12:2 — And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

    Renew your mind daily. Meditate on these truths daily:

    The Gospel
    Christ died for ALL of my sins (past, present and future), was buried and rose from the dead the third day for my justification.

    Christ said on the cross upon death, “It is finished!”, meaning — sin debt paid in full, nothing more to do.

    The nanosecond I believed the gospel, I was indwelt and sealed by the Holy Spirit, which is the guarantee of my salvation.

    The nanosecond I believed the gospel, I received the imputed righteousness of Christ. A righteousness apart from the law. A righteousness that is by faith. When God looks at me, He sees the righteousness of Christ – not my sinful flesh.

    Positional Truths
    I am:

    • Righteous
    • Holy
    • Blameless
    • Without spot or blemish
    • Justified (declared not guilty)
    • Sanctified (set apart, made holy)
    • A child of God
    • A citizen of heaven
    • An heir
    • A co-heir with Christ
    • Loved beyond measure
    • Redeemed
    • Forgiven
    • Receiving grace upon grace
    • Sealed by the Holy Spirit
    • Access to the Father
    • – Able to approach God with freedom and confidence

    Spiritual Baptism
    The nanosecond I believed the gospel alone, I was spiritually baptized into Christ’s death, burial and resurrection by the Holy Spirit. I have been “crucified” (with my old sinful flesh dying), been “buried”, spiritually reborn with the righteousness of Christ, and have been “risen” to newness of life. In the resurrection at the rapture, I will receive my new spiritual, sinless, glorified, incorruptible body.