Jesus Bought Me Everlasting Life

Jesus and I walked into a large store, owned and operated by God the Father. Jesus said to me, “Pick out anything you want and it will be my gift to you.” So I spent hours upon hours searching through the store. Finally I came upon the item of Everlasting Life. I turned to Jesus and said, “This is what I want…Everlasting Life.” He said, “OK”, grabbed the package and we went up to the register to checkout. God the Father was behind the register. Jesus put the Everlasting Life on the counter and the Father rang it up. He said to me, “That will be a cost of ‘the blood of a single sinless man.’” Jesus stepped in and said to the Father, “No one but Myself can afford this. I am purchasing this Everlasting Life as a gift for him. Here is my blood.” The Father took the payment in full, handed Jesus the package of Everlasting Life and said, “The transaction is finished — paid in full — nothing else needed.” As Jesus and I left the store, Jesus handed me the package of Everlasting Life and said, “This is a gift from me to you. You did not earn it for yourself. It is simply an irrevocable gift from Me, paid for with my blood. Thank you for accepting it. I love you, my son. Enjoy!”