*Note: this is a working document and being added to over time.
Repent — to change your mind. As in – to change your mind about who Christ is, and go from unbelief to belief in Him. It does NOT mean, “to turn from your sins.” (In fact, the words, “Repent, ‘of your sins’” never once occurs in the bible. God is sinless. God repented some 38 times in the Old Testament — which “sins” did He turn from?).
Grace — kindness we don’t deserve. God’s unmerited favor.
Mercy — not getting punished for what we do deserve.
Justified — declared “not guilty”.
Sanctified — set apart. Made holy.
Unto — “to”, as in, “do to others as you would have them do to you.”
Works — to follow the law or do good deeds.
The Gospel — that Christ died for all your sins – past, present and future – was buried and rose again on the third day.
The Truth — the gospel.
The Word — the gospel. Christ.