Category: Baptism

  • Baptism

    When you believe in Christ, you “follow” Him into His death, burial and resurrection.

    The nanosecond you believe the gospel, you are “crucified” with Christ, “buried” with Him – putting off the old, dead, sinful flesh – your inner man is spiritually reborn, and then you are “raised” with Him to newness of life. This resurrection will be manifest in the resurrection at the rapture.

    Christ was the first to be resurrected into His new sinless, incorruptible, spiritual body. There will be another resurrection for the believers – believers both in heaven and alive on earth – at the rapture.

    In the resurrection at the rapture, Christ will descend into the clouds, and the believers that have already died will be resurrected into their new spiritual, sinless, incorruptible bodies, then they will be caught up into the clouds with Christ. Then the believers who are alive and remain, their bodies will be transformed into their new spiritual, sinless, incorruptible bodies, and will then be snatched up into the clouds with Christ, and then He will take us all to heaven for seven years.

    During that seven years, Christ will pour out His wrath on an unbelieving world for seven years. This is called The Tribulation.

    Water baptism by a pastor in a church is not required for salvation. Only believing the gospel for spiritual baptism by The Holy Spirit is required.